We share the long-term goal for training, work and social security set out in the BSL National Plan, which is: “BSL users will be supported to develop the skills they need to become valued members of the Scottish workforce, so that they can fulfil their potential, and improve Scotland’s economic performance. They will be provided with support to enable them to progress in their chosen career.” HTML Action Timescale Action By Oversight responsibility 27. Inform careers staff about SCQF BSL qualifications. Provide online and face-to-face careers advice via BSL / English interpreters for University students and graduates, including guidance about SCQF BSL levels. From 2019/20 Careers Service Director Careers Service 28. The University will appoint a BSL Officer to take forward the work of this Plan. From 2018/19 Student Disability Service Deputy Secretary, Student Experience 29. With careful consideration of approval cycles and available resource, COL and the BSL Officer will establish how best to deliver the BSL provision as outlined in this plan. From 2018/19 BSL Officer and COL Deputy Head of Short Courses (Languages for All) 30. We will encourage BSL users to apply for jobs by providing BSL guidance on the Jobs page explaining person specifications and application procedures. From 2019/20 HR with BSL Officer Senior HR partner for resourcing 31. In posts where BSL is a requirement of the post, a BSL clip will summarise the job details on the University website, and applicants may submit a weblink to a BSL video clip in their application. From 2020/21 HR with BSL Officer HR 32. Incorporate plans for work placements and modern apprenticeships for BSL users in areas of the University where there are staff with SCQF BSL level 5 or above into the next revision of the University’s Youth and Employment Strategy. From 2021/22 BSL Officer with three Colleges and Service Groups Resourcing team, University HR Services 33. Raise awareness of the UK Government’s ‘Access to Work’ scheme for students who use BSL towards the end of their course, so that they can benefit from the support it provides when they enter the world of work. From 2019/20 SDS and Careers Service Director of the Careers Service 34. Provide information on how Access to Work operates within the Support for Disabled Staff Policy and provide appropriate information to teams recruiting BSL users. From 2019/20 Staff Disability Service with HR and BSL Officer HR 35. Identify any additional policy or guidance areas required to support deaf students, staff and visitors and integrate actions from this plan into Universities policies From 2018/19 BSL Officer with Director of Academic Services Deputy Secretary, Student Experience This article was published on 2024-10-29