J. Democracy

We share the long-term goal for democracy set out in the BSL National Plan, which is: “BSL users will be fully involved in democratic and public life in Scotland, as active and informed citizens, as voters, as elected politicians and as board members of our public bodies.”

Action Timescale Action By Oversight responsibility
52.  Encourage staff and students who use BSL to take an active and full part in the committees and structures of the University, providing appropriate BSL / English interpreting. By 2019/20 Heads of Schools with BSL Officer Deputy Secretary, Student Experience
53. Initiate a system for deaf BSL users to upload video clips through the University complaints procedure, and respond to BSL complaints in BSL within 20 days as the procedure states for all. By 2019/20

Investigations Manager

with BSL Officer
Deputy Secretary, Student Experience
54. The Students’ Association will explore ways to ensure students who use BSL are able to engage in our democratic structures, including Student Council meetings and Elections hustings. By 2018/19 Students’ Association BSL Officer