We share the long-term goal for health, mental health and wellbeing set out in the BSL National Plan, which is: “BSL users will have access to the information and services they need to live active, healthy lives, and to make informed choices at every stage of their lives.” HTML Action Timescale Action By Oversight responsibility 36. Ensure that students who use BSL are able to access the Advice Place’s basic services, such as safer sex and free sanitary products, and investigate opportunities to provide a full advice service, for example through appointments with an interpreter. By 2019/20 Students’ Association BSL Officer 37. Provide face-to-face counselling for BSL users by liaison with a specialist deaf counselling service, finding suitable counselling rooms on or near the University campus. By 2018/19 Counselling Service with the NHS Director of Student Wellbeing 38. Investigate the provision of cheaper residential fees for fluent BSL users who commit to using BSL in their shared University accommodation and support voluntary promotion of BSL there for interested students. By 2022/23 Accommodation, Catering and Events team with BSL Officer Director Corporate Services 39. Following points 4 and 7 of the plan (above) relating to the University Sports Centre staff, promote Sports Centre activities using BSL. By 2021/22 Centre for Sport & Exercise with BSL Officer Director of Centre for Sport & Exercise This article was published on 2024-10-29