We share the long-term goal for culture and the arts set out in the BSL National Plan, which is: “BSL users will have full access to the cultural life of Scotland, an equal opportunity to enjoy and contribute to culture and the arts, and are encouraged to share BSL and Deaf Culture with the people of Scotland.” HTML Action Timescale Action By Oversight responsibility 41. Support student-led societies, volunteering groups, and sports clubs in making their activities more inclusive of BSL users. By 2020/21 Students’ Association; Edinburgh University Sports Union (EUSU); Centre for Sport & Exercise; Accommodation, Catering and Events team with BSL Officer Deputy Secretary, Student Experience 42. We will ensure that ethics committees across the University include advice where appropriate from deaf BSL users internal or external to the University when the research involves working with deaf people, BSL users or has implications for deaf people. By 2019/20 Research Ethics & Integrity Review Group with School Ethics Committee Convenors Research Policy Group 43. We will provide BSL translation and interpreting produced by qualified BSL /English interpreters or translators, for at least one University exhibition and scientific or cultural event each year. We will publicise the events using BSL clips on our website, information monitors, and through deaf community media. From 2019/20 Head of Museums with BSL Officer and Edinburgh Science Festival Director of Library and University Collections 44. We will support the lecture series Edsign organised jointly by the Universities of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt and Queen Margaret by providing live streaming, rooms and publicity for the lectures. From 2018/19 Institute of Education, Teaching & Leadership Multimedia team Head of MHSES 45. COL will incorporate plans to offer free BSL taster courses for University staff and students into its planning and course approval process across 2018-2019. We will scope the provision of regular free lunchtime introductory sessions to BSL and deaf culture through the BSL Officer From 2019/20 COL with BSL Officer Deputy Head of Short Courses (Languages for All) 46. The Students’ Association – including the student-led Tandem committee – will work with the University’s BSL Officer and BSL Tutor to investigate offering regular BSL cafes to enable students to improve their BSL skills in an informal setting. From 2019/20 Students’ Association Participation Officer with BSL Officer, BSL Tutor and BSL Society Deputy Secretary, Student Experience 47. We will explore the development of an accredited BSL poetry and storytelling course available for students with SCQF BSL level 6and above. This would be part of MA Primary Education with fluent BSL, open to other suitably qualified students or members of the public through professional learning. From 2022/23 Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (IETL) and School of Education Professional Learning Head of MHSES 48. Investigate the possibility of development of accredited BSL and deaf culture courses available to undergraduate students in Year one and two of their degrees, ensuring that BSL language, culture or linguistics lecturers are fluent in BSL and have appropriate cultural knowledge. From 2019/20 School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures (LLC) with MHSES & COL Head of School LL&C 49. Plan a guide for Colleges and Schools about how to organise academic conferences to include Deaf BSL-using academics. From 2019/20 Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (IETL) and SSC Head of MHSES 50. Develop merchandise at the University Visitor Centre which celebrates BSL as a language and the University’s connection with it. From 2020/21 BSL Officer with Visitor Centre Manager Director of Communications and Marketing This article was published on 2024-10-29