We will review the University’s BSL plan each year. In the final year of the plan, we will review this plan and consult on the next one. This cycle of review and renewal will continue into future plans. HTML The final version of the plan will be published by March 2019 in English and BSL on the University website. Copies will be available in print throughout the University. We will review the University’s BSL plan each year, reporting to the University Executive through the Deputy Secretary, Student Experience. In the second year of the plan (2019-20) we will carry out a review of progress because the Government will review the BSL National Plan in 2020 and they would like an early review of all local plans. In year six of the University BSL plan (2023-24), we will review the first plan and consult on the next one. This cycle of review and renewal will continue into future plans. Please contact us if you would like to continue to be involved as we further develop and implement the actions in our plan. Contact email Working group After the launch of the first University of Edinburgh BSL plan in November 2018, if you would like to discuss the plan using BSL, please email Audrey Cameron or Rachel O’Neill to arrange a time to Skype or Facetime: Audrey Cameron Rachel O'Neill You can read more about the BSL working group, chaired from November 2018 by Dr Audrey Cameron. BSL working group This article was published on 2024-10-29