B. Family support, early learning and childcare

We share the long-term goal for all Scottish public services set out in the BSL National Plan, which is: “The Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach will be fully embedded, with a deaf or deafblind child and their family offered the right information and support at the right time to engage with BSL”

Action Timescale Action By Oversight responsibility

11. Employ a deaf apprentice fluent in BSL at the University's Arcadia Nursery, so that the team know how to communicate with deaf and deafblind BSL users, parents and children.

By 2020/21 Arcadia Nursery Manager Director of Corporate Services

12. Ensure that Bilingualism Matters events held in Edinburgh are always available interpreted into BSL when requested.

By 2018/19 Bilingualism Matters BSL Officer